About C.W.C.
Our Pastor

Senior Pastor
Rev. Paul A. Price
Pastor Paul Price's history began even before he was born. His mother, Marion, had two pregnancies ending in miscarriages. Marion prayed a Hanna Prayer (1 Samuel 1:10-11) and vowed to the Lord that if God would bless her with a son, she would dedicate him to ministry. Born on October 31, 1958, the adventure began! His home church was First Assembly of God in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. At a young age, he came to know Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. At nine years of age, he was called out by an evangelist in a revival service in his home church with a special admonition. It was prophesied that God's call was upon his life and he would become a Pastor whom God would use to touch many people's lives with the Gospel.
During his teenage years, he fell away from the Lord and went his own way, planning a career as an officer in the United States Navy. When he could not enter the Naval Academy because of his poor vision, he finally submitted himself to God's calling and made plans to attend Bible college. After graduation from Purchase Line High School, he enrolled and attended Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. His mother worked to provide him with finances to pay for his college tuition. While in Springfield, he met his wife, Claudia Ashworth, while working at the Assemblies of God nursing home called Maranatha Manor. They were united in marriage on December 22, 1978.
In his senior year of Bible college, he was tested with the temptation to give up the vision of full-time ministry and head up a new feed mill being erected in New Guinea. After this "test," he took the first available ministry opportunity after graduation in Champagne, Illinois. The church grew from 24 to 125 in eight weeks, but this fact threatened the founding pastor's wife. She conspired to have Pastor Paul and Claudia removed from the church. With nowhere to go, they were forced to return to Pennsylvania to live with his parents.
Even at the young age of twenty-one years old, his desire was to pastor, but no doors opened for several months. In October 1980, he was asked to candidate to become pastor of the Assembly of God Tabernacle in New Castle, Pennsylvania. In early November 1980, he was voted in as pastor. God blessed his ministry in New Castle and the church grew from 20 to over 100 in seven months. He remained there for four years.
In Spring 1984, the Lord began preparing Pastor Price to change his ministry to church-planting. He began to make plans to move to St. Petersburg, Florida to found a church. But God had other plans. You can read about it in the History section of our web site.